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Boston Terrier Day

February 15, 2021

Boston Terrier Day is coming up February 19th! This lovable pup definitely earned his spot as the Massachusetts State Dog! This cute terrier is a very popular pet, and with good reason. A local vet discusses the breed below.

H  istory

The Boston Terrier started with a pooch named Hooper’s Judge (or Judge, for short) who was of the bull and terrier breed. Around 1875, Judge was bred to a white bulldog named Gyp, who provided the blocky head that’s now characteristic of the breed. Though their offspring were originally pit fighters, it didn’t take long for them to find their way into people’s homes and hearts. The Boston Terrier is now the 21st most popular breed in the AKC registry. Speaking of the AKC, they added the breed in 1893, as the first US breed to officially be listed. Another fun fact about this smart dog? He’s not actually a terrier, at least officially. Instead, they are in the non-sporting group. 


Like any other pup, Fido does need some activity to stay healthy. Take care not to overexert your furry friend! Because these pooches have such short muzzles, they can get out of breath very easily. They also don’t do well with either extreme heat or extreme cold.


One of the many great things about Boston Terriers is the fact that they don’t need a lot of grooming. Just brush Fido once a week, and bathe him regularly. You’ll also need to keep up with your pup’s dental care and peticures.


Boston Terriers are happy, friendly, lovable, and fiercely devoted. They are quite small, which makes them a great match for people who live in apartments. They’re also pretty quiet, which is another reason they’re good for urbanites. Another great thing about these dogs? They are easily trainable. Boston Terriers can be found in agility and strength contests, and sometimes work as therapy dogs. They also excel at tracking and dock diving. And, as you may know, the Boston Terrier is the official mascot for Boston University and Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC.


One of the Boston Terrier’s most prominent–and adorable–features are their eyes. Those bug eyes can be super expressive! In fact, one of these pups, a pooch named Bruschi, made the Guinness Book Of World Record for being the dog with the biggest eyes. Boston Terriers sometimes get corneal ulcers and/or injuries from sand or other objects getting into those bug eyes. You’ll need to be careful to remove potential hazards, such as thorny plants, that are at Fido’s eye level.

As your veterinary clinic, we’re here to help. Feel free to call us anytime!

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